Monday, May 4, 2009

Black Mass of Absu

Many black metal bands attempt to convey evil and fall flat on their corpse painted faces. This may not be what you think of when the term 'black metal' is used, but make no mistake about it...this is unholy ritual filth at its finest.



doubleblumpkin said...

Too grim for me.

Stormy said...

I love this demo, and lost my copy years ago. Thanks for this!


also, i linked you to my blog

Twin Uzis in Hyrule said...

Thanks Vin.

Nuctemeron said...


Nuctemeron said...

please can you re upload the track 15 satan supper because i downloaded 2 times and is broken. it s funny that (santero puto) the name of a member of this band in sphanish means homosexual warlock anyways thanks for the album and cheers from uruguay sorry my english is pure bulshit ja ja

Anonymous said...

Is it still available for download??